Install App On Ubuntu Touchpad
First off this is completely from Rennat over at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TUTORIAL: How to get the UbuntuChroot up and running for your HP TouchPad Intro: UbuntuChroot is the raw Ubuntu terminal without the familiar GNOME graphical interface that all have come to think of Ubuntu. With this installed, you will be able to install ubuntu programs and launch them with in the terminal card. To do this, the basic rundown will be making a new WebOS Doctor that has a separete partition of memory for Ubuntu to run with in. Drivers Epson Lq 500 Windows 7. Then we will install it on your TouchPad and mount that partition so it will be able to be used after a reboot of the device. Lastly, we will install Xecutah, XServer, and UbuntuChroot from Preware and boot up Ubuntu on your TouchPad. Both credit and Props go to WebOS Internals for making this possible and putting in all the hard work they have to make it as easy as it is.
Warnings: I nor WebOS Internals take no responsibility over what may happen to your device. Hp Designjet 1055cm Plus Driver Windows 7 64 Bit there. If you follow these instructions it 'should' work perfectly. If you do endup messing something up you 'should' be able to just doctor the device using the stock WebOS Doctor from HP. Step Zero: - I have provided 2 different ways to set your device up to install the UbuntuChroot onto your device; use the meta-doctor and create your own doctor (Step 1-A) or do as Step 1-B says and contact my army of monkeys for an easier alternitive that won't take forever. ##You my want to backup app data and the like using Save/Restore in Preware as you will lose all your data buy installing a WebOS Doctor.
Please do so! And done hesitate to ask questions. Step 1-A: Creating a WebOS Doctor - We will be using the Meta Doctor to create a special WebOS Doctor that will create a 2GB (or more if you wish to do so) partition in /media/ext3fs/ were Ubuntu will be. - Use the In Step 2 you will have to rename you downloaded webOS doctor to the name of the Bell Mobility doctor they have under Step 2'3 (webosdoctorp100ewwbellmo.jar) go ahead and add the webOS version after it like it advises. - In Step 2'6, if you are using a Wifi Only TouchPad you will be using the last one which has touchpad for device and WiFi all for the carrier.